
Marching to Restore Nature

Marching to Restore Nature

Marching to restore nature is the focus of environmental campaigners “biggest march” to save the natural world and protest for urgent political action to “restore nature now.” Extinction Rebellion (XR), The Wildlife Trusts, WWF, UK Youth for Nature, the Woodland Trust and more will unite on the streets of central London from 12 noon on …

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Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies

End fossil fuel subsidies

Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies by reading all about it. Despite many local authorities declaring a climate emergency in 2019 they continue to invest some of their pension funds in coal, oil, and gas. One simple step in support of climate action is the transition away from fossil fuels, and opting to invest in green technologies and projects. That’s …

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COP28: Now We Rise

COP28 Now We Rise

COP28: Now We Rise saw Action on Climate Emergency (ACE) members attending our Green Café meeting on Saturday 9 December (pictured) marking a Day of Action for Climate Justice, along with others across the UK and Globe. COP28 Now We Rise was called by the Climate Justice Coalition to coincide with the last three days …

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Pensions fuelling climate risks

Pensions fuelling climate risks

Pensions fuelling climate risks as £16 billion of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is invested in the fossil fuelindustry, according to new analysis by Platform and Friends of the Earth. Despite warnings that investors should not fund new oil and gas projects, local authorities including North Yorkshire Council are still funding fossil fuel expansion, …

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Petition to Stop Rosebank Oil Field

Banning new licenses

A petition to Stop Rosebank oil field has been launched by and sponsored by Stop Rosebank, calling on Equinor and its owner the Norwegian Government to stop Rosebank and all new oil and gas fields, following the UK government’s approval in September for the project. The oil giant Equinor, which is majority-owned by the …

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Clean energy offers hope but Rosebank approved

Banning new licenses

Rosebank approved whilst clean energy offers hope. That’s what we are now seeing as the driving down of greenhouse gas emissions from the world’s energy sector to net zero continues. Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C remains possible due to the record growth of key clean energy technologies, though momentum needs to increase rapidly in …

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Ticket office closure protest at Appleby Station

Protestors at Appleby Station August 2023

Pete Lazenby and Barry White Huw Merriman MP, Minister of State at the Department of Transport took refuge in Appleby-in-Westmorland railway station ticket office as protesters opposing plans put forward by the rail companies to shut nearly 1,000 of them, demonstrated at the station on 17 August. Mr Merriman, whose duties include responsibility for “rail …

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Halting the decline of nature

Three of Britain’s biggest conservation charities with a total membership of 8.5 million are joining forces to try to halt the destruction of UK nature. The National Trust, WWF and RSPB are coming together voice to call on everyone to act now to protect the natural world. “We’ve come together because whilst we have spectacular …

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Wanted – your views on local transport

Let's Talk Transport

Barry White North Yorkshire residents are being asked to share their travel habits in a bid to shape a transport strategy across North Yorkshire over the coming decades. A survey … Continue reading “Wanted – your views on local transport”
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Settle area prepares for local energy club

Solar roof top

Sarah Wiltshire Our energy group has been preparing for the setting up of a local energy club over the last 12 months. Following a three-stage consultation involving the public and … Continue reading “Settle area prepares for local energy club”
The post Settle area prepares for local energy club appeared first on Action on Climate Emergency (ACE).