Fossil fuels

Rich Emitters

Rich emitters

Rich emitters (0.1% in Britain) according to research by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) emit 22 times more from transportthan low earners, and 12 times more than average. This was just one of the finding of the IPPR report which looked at transport emissions by income, gender, location, ethnicity and age. The study broke …

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End of the Cumbrian coalmine?

End of the Cumbrian coalmine? In December 2022, the levelling up secretary Michael Gove MP, approved plans to build theWoodhouse Colliery near Whitehaven. He said the UK would need the coal in order to carry on making steel. However, newly revealed documents, drafted around the same time at the then Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy …

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Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies

End fossil fuel subsidies

Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies by reading all about it. Despite many local authorities declaring a climate emergency in 2019 they continue to invest some of their pension funds in coal, oil, and gas. One simple step in support of climate action is the transition away from fossil fuels, and opting to invest in green technologies and projects. That’s …

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Opportunity lost at COP28

Opportunity lost

Despite an 13th hour deal calling on all countries to move away from using fossil fuels, has there been an opportunity lost at COP28? The deal recognises the need for deep, rapid and sustained reductions if humanity is to limit temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. Whilst welcomed by some governments, many don’t think …

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Packham’s legal challenge over climate

Chris Packham's legal challenge

Chris Packham’s legal challenge over climate retreats is the latest action against the UK government. The broadcaster and environmental campaigner has filed a High Court challenge against Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s decision to weaken key climate policies. Packham has applied for a judicial review of the government’s decision to ditch the timetable for phasing out …

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Stopping Rosebank – the campaign continues

Rosebank approved

Freya, Friends of the Earth Scotland Stopping Rosebank – the campaign continues. In September the UK Government approved the Rosebank oil field. But the fight doesn’t end here. As we reported at this web site on 17 October, a petition was launched for stopping Rosebank. Friends of the Earth Scotland believe that by giving Rosebank the …

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Pensions fuelling climate risks

Pensions fuelling climate risks

Pensions fuelling climate risks as £16 billion of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is invested in the fossil fuelindustry, according to new analysis by Platform and Friends of the Earth. Despite warnings that investors should not fund new oil and gas projects, local authorities including North Yorkshire Council are still funding fossil fuel expansion, …

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Petition to Stop Rosebank Oil Field

Banning new licenses

A petition to Stop Rosebank oil field has been launched by and sponsored by Stop Rosebank, calling on Equinor and its owner the Norwegian Government to stop Rosebank and all new oil and gas fields, following the UK government’s approval in September for the project. The oil giant Equinor, which is majority-owned by the …

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Climate activists to take government to court over net zero retreats

Climate activists to take government to court

Barry White Climate activists to take government to court over net zero retreats as campaign groups have confirmed they are mounting further legal action in the High Court next February against the government, following Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s announcement last month that he is watering down key climate policies. The groups, Client Earth, Friends of …

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