Plastic pollution

Soft Plastics Burned Not Recycled

Soft plastic burned not recycled

Soft plastics burned not recycled an investigation by Everyday Plastic and the Environmental Investigation Agency, has found. Specifically, 70% of soft plastic collected in supermarket recycling schemes tracked after collection, ended up being burned. Soft plastics burned not recycled came to light by placing trackers inside packages of soft plastic that were collected by Tesco …

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Plastic count – only 17% of plastic waste is recycled

plastic recycling

Plastic count reveals that only 17% of plastic waste is recycled. Greenpeace has found in crunching the numbers from its recent Big Plastic Count, based on over 220,000 supporter returns, the following key results: UK households are using almost 1.7 billion pieces of plastic every week – that’s around 90 billion a year Only 17% …

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Plastics Treaty talks close with insufficient progress

Plastics Treaty talks closes with insufficient progress Friends of the Earth International reports. The fourth session of negotiations towards a Global Plastics Treaty closed early on 30 April with disappointment and determination for the fight against plastics. Whilst there was progress on substantial negotiations in Ottawa, countries are leaving with a treaty text that is …

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