
Think Global

All over the world animals, insects and plants that used to be abundant are dying out. ‘Biodiversity’ means the amount of plant and animal life in the world or in a particular habitat. The more biodiverse an area is, the better it can withstand climate shocks such as storms, floods and drought.

The UN warns that we are threatened by the mass extinction of plants and animals through deforestation, changing land use, and climate change. Between 1960 and 2019 the world has lost one billion acres of forest cover.

Act Local

Britain has already lost half of its biodiversity, and is in the bottom 12% globally for biodiversity loss.

We can see this loss of biodiversity locally. Every year, fewer swallows and swifts return, while familiar flowers, butterflies and bees are disappearing. Across the UK, nearly 2,000 species are in danger of extinction and 168 have already been declared extinct.

Get involved

“The truth is that every one of us, no matter who we are or where we live, can and must play a part in restoring nature.”
Sir David Attenborough

The more biodiverse an area is, the more healthy it is for people, animals and plants. Restoring habitats and letting nature thrive again will protect us against some of the worst effects of climate change. The good news is that simple things that we can all do can have a massive impact.

  • Even the tiniest spaces can be made into a rich resource for wildlife. Find out what you can do with our guide Easy Wins for Wildlife.
  • Get hands-on with ACE Biodiversity group planting trees and restoring habitats at beautiful Kelcow Woods near Giggleswick and help save the 3,000 species which are at risk of being lost in Yorkshire. As a landmark report has highlighted that nearly 2,000 species have been lost from Yorkshire in the last 200 years, and another 3,000 are at risk.
  • Join ACE volunteers and the River Ribble Trust at Long Preston Deeps, helping to restore 12 acres of habitat, establish wildlife ‘corridors’ and improve water quality.
  • Plant trees with ACE and the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust.
  • Help the RSPB monitor moorland burning and identify potentially illegal burns by reporting fires on the RSPB Burning App.
  • Protect critically endangered swifts by reporting ‘screaming parties’ and nesting sites on the Swiftmapper App.

Add your voice

Join ACE to campaign for a sustainable future for Settle area and all its residents – humans, animals and plants!

Save our Wild Isles

Save Our Wild Isles is a joint campaign by the World Wildlife Fund, the RSPB and the National Trust calling for an immediate halt to the destruction of British nature and urgent action for its recovery.

Sign up for the People’s Plan for Nature

Add your name to the People’s Plan for Nature. Created by the people, for the people, it calls for urgent, immediate action from us all to protect and restore nature for future generations.