
Use our Resources page to find out more about what we can do to tackle the climate crisis here in North Craven.

All about net zero

Everyone’s saying we have to get to ‘net zero emissions’, but what does that actually mean? Net zero means cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions being re-absorbed from the atmosphere, by oceans and forests for instance. Find out more about net zero from the UN.

How do we reach net zero in Settle?

The Settle Roadmap assesses current carbon emissions in Settle and explores how we could reduce our carbon emissions to net zero by 2030. You can watch an introduction to Settle Roadmap by Andy Gouldson, Professor of Environmental Policy at the University of Leeds, at an ACE Green Cafe in 2021 [time signature 48:38]. The Settle Roadmap was commissioned by Settle Town Council and produced by the University of Leeds.

You can also read Settle Town Council’s Climate and Biodiversity Policy, adopted in 2021. The Town Council have set up a Climate Change & Biodiversity Steering Group to monitor progress on this policy.

Are there net zero plans for North Yorkshire?

York and North Yorkshire’s Routemap to Carbon Negative sets out the region’s ambitious plans to be net zero carbon by 2034 and carbon negative by 2040. You can also read North Yorkshire Council’s draft Climate Change Strategy produced in April 2023.

Energy and insulation

Learn about installing solar panels

ACE member Paul Kelly shares his experience of installing and using solar panels at his home in Giggleswick.

Find out where your house needs more insulation

ACE have been loaned a Thermal Imaging Camera. This detects infrared energy (heat) and converts it into a visual image – see the image of a Settle house at the top of this page. To borrow the camera and learn how to use it, contact

Recycling information and tips

We are starting to compile information about some recycling options that we know of – let us know if you have other tips:

  • Reading glasses can be recycled at the main opticians such as Vision Express and Specsavers, we don’t think that you need to be a customer.
  • CD’s take them to charity shops if they are usable or if not to an Oxfam, British Heart Foundation or household recycling centre bank.
  • Blister packs – if they are aluminium on both sides they can go into your blue bin.

Coming soon: a Local Energy Club

ACE are planning to launch Settle Energy Local Club shortly. Local Energy Clubs [LEC] bring together people who are generating energy (community organisations, businesses and individuals with solar panels) and local people who would like to buy their energy more cheaply. The LEC gives energy generators a better price for their electricity, and lower bills to energy consumers. An LEC operates as a Co-op run by local generators and consumers under a registered constitution. Join ACE to support us with this new project.

Growing the green recovery

Growing the Green Recovery was an ACE Green Cafe held in 2021 with some really interesting speakers.

Films about the climate crisis

Watch Turning Tragedy into Triumph, David Attenborough’s speech to the UN Climate Talks COP 26 in Glasgow 2022.

Watch Don’t Choose Extinction, a short UN video featuring a talking dinosaur.




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