COP28: Now We Rise

Campaigns, Climate Crisis, COP28, Local Action

COP28: Now We Rise saw Action on Climate Emergency (ACE) members attending our Green Café meeting on Saturday 9 December (pictured) marking a Day of Action for Climate Justice, along with others across the UK and Globe.

COP28 Now We Rise was called by the Climate Justice Coalition to coincide with the last three days of Dubai based COP 28. The Day highlighted the need for an immediate and drastic reduction in the use of fossil fuels. As CJC said ‘temperatures are rising, corporate profits are rising, now we rise’.

The CJC is coalition of groups and individuals committed to building solidarity and power for climate justice in Britain and across the globe. You can also find out more about climate justice by coming along to our January Green Cafe (13th) to hear Izzy MacIntosh, from Climate Justice, speak about ‘Climate Justice: What it is and Why it Matters‘.

Our meeting also reviewed our work over the year and discussed campaigning priorities and prospects for involving more people in activities in 2024. Speaking about the event Sarah Wiltshire, ACE’s Co-ordinator, said: “We would particularly welcome linking with young people, along with other organisations and businesses to increase the impact of what we can do locally.”

More on how you can get involved in local climate action during 2024 in a forthcoming blog. In the meantime check out all that we are currently doing here.