
Think Global

Global supply chains can make us vulnerable to food shortages. Worldwide, over half our calories come from just three crops: wheat, rice and corn. Drought, flooding and other climate events threaten our food security by destroying the crops we rely on.

Other problems with the global food system include food miles, waste food, massive use of pesticides, herbicides and plastic packaging.

Act Local

North Craven is a food producing area, but much of the food we eat comes from all over the planet. Shopping in supermarkets is cheaper and many of us cannot afford to buy food that is produced in our local area. At the same time farmers in North Craven struggle to get a fair price for the food they produce.

Our food needs to be local, sustainably grown, seasonal and healthy. We should be producing food using systems that are peat and pesticide free, support biodiversity and create fertile soil.

Get Involved

ACE Food Group campaign to reduce food waste, encourage grow-your-own and buying local food. We support making locally-produced food more affordable, using taxes to rebalance prices in ways which are fairer to farmers and consumers.

We support initiatives by individuals, allotment holders and community groups to grow their own food sustainably by using open-pollinated seeds, peat alternatives and no pesticides/herbicides.

  • UK households throw away around 96 billion pieces of plastic annually. Find out how to reduce your plastic use with this guide from The Big Plastic Count This year’s count took place for a week, 11th-17th March – you can see the outcome of the count here.
  • Join ACE Food Group in supporting the campaign for Settle to become a Plastic Free Community. Congratulations to Wholesome Bee health store who have successfully been accredited as Plastic Free. We hope more businesses will sign up soon and if you can get involved please contact Rosie Sanderson (
  • Litter picking sessions coming up in June (see here) and we are well on with this year’s Settle Flowerpot Festival entry – more details to follow.
  • Check out ways to become more plastic free with these suggestions: ‘Every Day Plastic: 52 Ways to Reduce Your Plastic’ and read about why ‘We Need to Change our Relationship with Plastic’.
  • At this year’s Settle Flowerpot Festival we are highlighting the impact of plastic and marine waste on sea-life. Check out our flowerpot seal located in the Quaker Meeting House garden on Kirkgate – see below.
  • Settle is now a Fairtrade Community – see ‘food news and updates’ below. Settle will be a key stop in the new ‘Fairtrade Way’ that will run from Bradford through the Aire and Ribble valleys up to Garstang and Lancaster.
  • Grow greener: ask Settle Food Group to talk to your local gardening club on gardening for wildlife, composting, and rainwater capture.
  • Find out how to change our broken farming system at the Northern Real Farming Conference in November 2023.
  • Read Food, Farming & Climate Change by David Howlett, exploring how Craven can respond to the challenges of climate change.

Food news and updates

Logo saying 'We are a Fairtrade Community'

We’ve done it!  

In June 2023 Settle was awarded Fairtrade Status. and is now officially a Fairtrade Community, joining Skipton, Embsay with Eastby, Leeds, Harrogate and Bradford. Fairtrade status means that the community is engaged in promoting ethically sourced products.

When you see the FAIRTRADE mark on any product, you can be sure that the farmers who produced it are guaranteed a fair price for their crop which covers production costs. They also receive a premium that they can invest in projects to benefit their communities, such as education and health care. The farmers earn enough to look after their families properly and plan for the future. The Fairtrade mark can now be found on over 3000 products from more than 200 companies.

Our Food Group are running regular fairtrade related events. Our next will be at ACE’s December Green Cafe on Saturday 9th December. More details on our events page or by contacting the group by email:

Settle Flowerpot Festival – our entry, above, highlighting the issue of plastic contamination and its impact on our marine life.

Seed swaps: Many places are now running seed swaps with locally produced seeds. Our Food group lead, Melanie, also brings seeds to ACE events.

Fairtrade: You can now buy Fairtrade tea, coffee and chocolate at many UK churches and Oxfam shops. Guylian (of seashell fame) now use 100% Fairtrade cocoa, which means a fairer deal for farming communities in West Africa. Preston-based Beeches Chocolates have brought out some Fairtrade treats. Quirky Chocolates have a new range of gift sets using Fairtrade cocoa.

Buy direct: You can buy citrus fruit direct from organic farmers in Europe, giving them a better price for their produce. For what’s in season at the moment, check out crowdfarming.