ACE News

Hydrogen’s Future in Doubt?

Hydrogen’s Future in Doubt? In the latest move to shelve home heating, hydrogen’s future has been thrown into doubt The Guardian (10 May 2024) has reported revealing that a third pilot project to test the use of hydrogen heating in homes has been shelved by the UK government, indicating that households will rely on electricity …

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Plastic count – only 17% of plastic waste is recycled

plastic recycling

Plastic count reveals that only 17% of plastic waste is recycled. Greenpeace has found in crunching the numbers from its recent Big Plastic Count, based on over 220,000 supporter returns, the following key results: UK households are using almost 1.7 billion pieces of plastic every week – that’s around 90 billion a year Only 17% …

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Plastics Treaty talks close with insufficient progress

Plastics Treaty talks closes with insufficient progress Friends of the Earth International reports. The fourth session of negotiations towards a Global Plastics Treaty closed early on 30 April with disappointment and determination for the fight against plastics. Whilst there was progress on substantial negotiations in Ottawa, countries are leaving with a treaty text that is …

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Marching to Restore Nature

Marching to Restore Nature

Marching to restore nature is the focus of environmental campaigners “biggest march” to save the natural world and protest for urgent political action to “restore nature now.” Extinction Rebellion (XR), The Wildlife Trusts, WWF, UK Youth for Nature, the Woodland Trust and more will unite on the streets of central London from 12 noon on …

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Dairy farming river pollution

Dairy farming river pollution

Dairy farming river pollution is the focus of work by River Action, who report the following. Increasing intensification of dairy production driven largely by aggressive supermarket pricing pressures, failure to enforce environmental regulations, and inadequate government environmental incentives for dairy farmers are among the factors that have conspired to create one of the largest causes …

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Climate Victory in European Court

European court of human rights

Swiss women have scored a landmark climate victory in European Court as data showed that last month was the warmest month on record. Coinciding with temperature records have been broken ten months in a row, a group of Swiss women have won the first ever climate case victory in the European Court of Human Rights. …

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Locally Led Climate Action

Moss side new builds

Locally led climate action is being advocated by The Local Government Association (LGA) who have recently written…The impact of local climate action can be enormous, and local authorities are united in the call for devolved approaches that realise this potential. Tackling climate change is one of the biggest threats facing our communities and ranks high …

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