Sarah Wiltshire

Vote with the Climate in Mind

Vote with the climate in mind

Vote with the Climate in Mind – at the general election on Thursday 4th July. This general election, we have a choice. We can let things carry on as they are, with spiralling food, energy and transport prices… or we can use our vote to support a sustainable, greener future. It may be the most …

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Rosebank Approval Madness

Letter to Julian Smith MP, followed by his reply: Dear Julian I am writing on behalf of ACE Settle and area to ask you to urge the Prime Minister to reconsider his and the Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary’s decision to sanction the Rosebank oil field. I do so for the following reasons: In …

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Keep climate Out of the Political Fray

North Yorkshire Climate Coalition, of which ACE is a member, writes today… On Wednesday, the Prime Minister announced a series of net zero policy announcements that he claimed were all about easing the financial burden of the transition to a low-carbon economy for ordinary working people. There is certainly a discussion to be had about …

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Net Zero or Not Zero?

Following Rishi Sunak’s retreat on the government’s net zero policies this week, we wrote to our local MP, Julian Smith. See below, followed by Mr Smith’s reply. To Mr Smith We ask you to press the Prime Minister to reconsider his new net zero policies announced on Wednesday 20th September. We also note your uncritical …

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Settle’s Home Grown Energy

Settle’s Home Grown Energy

Participate in Settle’s Home Grown Energy Business by taking local action in the same week Rishi Sunak has rowed back on the UK government’s net zero policies. Action on Climate Emergency (ACE) Settle and Area has announced their own response to the energy transition. At Settle Methodist Church’s “Let’s Talk Local” event held on 17th …

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Settle Fair Trade Community

Settle fair trade community

Settle fair trade community. Thanks to the hard work of ACE’s food group, to all the businesses that sell fair trade goods locally and others including the support of Settle Primary School, Settle Town Council, Settle Churches and Liz Roodhouse, from Skipton Fairtrade, Settle has now become accredited as a fair trade community. To celebrate …

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Settle area prepares for local energy club

Solar roof top

Sarah Wiltshire Our energy group has been preparing for the setting up of a local energy club over the last 12 months. Following a three-stage consultation involving the public and … Continue reading “Settle area prepares for local energy club”
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