Fossil fuels

Drax will raise carbon emissions

No more subsidies for Drax

Drax will raise carbon emissions as thousands marched in London yesterday demanding action on polluted water. The Guardian reported earlier today that Drax power station near Selby, North Yorkshire, will keep raising the levels of carbon emissions in the atmosphere until the 2050s despite using carbon capture technology, according to scientific research. An earlier study …

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UK’s last coal fired power station closes

UK’s last coal fired power station closes. Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station in Nottinghamshire has closed. Demolition of the site will follow after decommissioning, and is set to take two years. The site is situated off the A453 near the M1, and adjacent to East Midlands Parkway railway station. It’s an East Midlands landmark providing power for …

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Rich Emitters

Rich emitters

Rich emitters (0.1% in Britain) according to research by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) emit 22 times more from transportthan low earners, and 12 times more than average. This was just one of the finding of the IPPR report which looked at transport emissions by income, gender, location, ethnicity and age. The study broke …

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End of the Cumbrian coalmine?

End of the Cumbrian coalmine? In December 2022, the levelling up secretary Michael Gove MP, approved plans to build theWoodhouse Colliery near Whitehaven. He said the UK would need the coal in order to carry on making steel. However, newly revealed documents, drafted around the same time at the then Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy …

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Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies

End fossil fuel subsidies

Ending Fossil Fuel Subsidies by reading all about it. Despite many local authorities declaring a climate emergency in 2019 they continue to invest some of their pension funds in coal, oil, and gas. One simple step in support of climate action is the transition away from fossil fuels, and opting to invest in green technologies and projects. That’s …

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Opportunity lost at COP28

Opportunity lost

Despite an 13th hour deal calling on all countries to move away from using fossil fuels, has there been an opportunity lost at COP28? The deal recognises the need for deep, rapid and sustained reductions if humanity is to limit temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. Whilst welcomed by some governments, many don’t think …

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