Support a Frack Free Burniston

Environmental Policies, Fossil fuels, Fracking

Support a frack free Burniston is a call from residents of Burniston near Scarborough, as the local community face the potential of a fracking application to North Yorkshire Council from Egdon Resources & Europa Oil & Gas.

A moratorium on fracking was applied by the government in 2019 to end support for fracking, as a result of a report produced by the Oil and Gas Authority which found that it was not ‘currently possible to accurately predict the probability or magnitude of earthquakes linked to fracking operations’. However, the possibility of fracking has been raised again with Egdon Resources potentially applying to drill on land close to the village of Burniston near Scarborough using a loophole which would use a ‘propellant squeeze’ process.

As matters stand at the time of writing, North Yorkshire Council’s planning service has concluded that any planning application would need to be accompanied by an Environmental Statement assessing its environmental impact. This decision could in theory be challenged by Egdon.

Central government could close the loophole in the national moratorium allowing fracking using the propellant squeeze method. We understand that representations are being made to Lord Hunt, Minister of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, to enable this to happen.

In addition to the damage caused by fracking close to a drilling site, fracking also adds to fossil fuel generated emissions and takes investment away from clean, renewable energy.

Whilst we await any further developments, here are some actions that you can take to support a frack free Burniston: