Participate in Settle’s Home Grown Energy Business by taking local action in the same week Rishi Sunak has rowed back on the UK government’s net zero policies. Action on Climate Emergency (ACE) Settle and Area has announced their own response to the energy transition.
At Settle Methodist Church’s “Let’s Talk Local” event held on 17th September ACE’s energy group members (pictured) presented their latest ideas to the community. This is to be followed by an event on Thursday 19th October 6-8pm at St Michael and St Mary’s Catholic Church. Tillman Close. Settle. BD24 9RA to explain the group’s Local Area Energy Plan and to formally launch an Energy Local Club.
Participate in Settle’s Home Grown Energy Business by joining Settle Local Energy Club will give members an opportunity to benefit from cheap locally generated electricity and participate in the transition to a low carbon, sustainable economy. In the financial year 2021/22 Settle, Giggleswick and Langcliffe consumed 22,241 MWhrs of electricity and 60,992 MWhrs of heat at a total cost to the community of £13 million! Keeping a small percentage of that sum in the local economy would make a considerable impact.
The Energy Local Club will be a co-operative of local energy consumers and generators run under a registered constitution. Generators could be residents with their own rooftop solar Photo-Voltaic [PV] panels, or local organisations such as sports clubs and churches. A sophisticated roof-top survey has been commissioned from an expert at Lancaster University, enabling individual properties to be identified on an interactive map, and estimate the number of solar panels and annual generation potential of each rooftop surface. The roof-top survey also makes it possible to group houses with similar characteristics into neighbourhoods where it would be feasible to purchase the PV panels in bulk.
Summer generation from solar PV will need to be balanced by winter generation from hydro plants and wind turbines. ACE’s Energy group would like to speak to property owners who are considering wind, hydro, anaerobic digestion plants or combined heat and power installations.
The club will require a facilitator to provide technical back-up and advice to new members. ACE are keen to hear from anyone who might be interested in taking on this role. This will be a paid, part-time, short-term position on a freelance basis, with training and essential equipment provided. The role would suit a college leaver thinking of a career in the renewable energy industry or someone with relevant experience keen to support the transition to a low carbon economy.
The group also aims to help residents improve their home insulation. A small thermal imaging camera was on show at the ‘Let’s Talk Local’ event which has the capability of checking for draughts and missing or inadequate building insulation. The camera can be borrowed by contacting ACE and the club facilitator will be using this equipment to assess homes for energy saving improvements that might reduce heating costs and make the home feel more cosy.
Have a look at the Energy Group’s plans, solar survey, thermal imaging camera and energy club Facilitator, on the energy group’s page: