
Find out more about how to tackle the climate crisis locally at an ACE event. Our monthly Green Cafes often include talks, presentations, or film screenings. We have really good speakers and there are plenty of opportunities to ask questions and find out more. Everyone is welcome, and all events are free. You can use the calendar to view upcoming events.

February’s Green Cafe: Building Homes for Dales House Birds project

St John’s Methodist Church Church Street, Settle, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Yorkshire Dales Millenium Trust have secured funding from the Heritage Lottery fund to help save four iconic bird species through a 'Building Homes for Dales House Birds' project. At this month's Green Cafe we will be hearing from Catherine Mercer (the project's lead) about this three year project which will be supporting ACE and groups ...

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March’s Green Cafe: Locally Generated Energy

St Alkelda's Church Church St, Giggleswick

This month's Cafe is all about locally generated energy for Settle, Giggleswick and Langcliffe. Please note that the Cafe will be taking place at: St Alkelda's Church. Church St. Giggleswick. BD24 0BE. By acting locally you can be part of saving money off your electricity bill, reducing energy use and helping with climate change. A ...

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Settle Clothing Swap

Settle Victoria Hall Kirkgate, Settle

Do you have good quality clothing and accessories for young and older adults that you no longer wear?  Are you looking for something to replace them?  Then the Settle Clothing Swap is the perfect event for you. Swap your items for tokens and then exchange your tokens for alternative items from the display.  There’ll be ...

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