
Think Global 

Renewable energy makes us more resilient and is better for the planet. 

All energy prices are pegged to the price of fossil fuels. Global shocks, such as the war in Ukraine, have caused sharp rises in the price of oil and gas, which means all energy is more expensive. 

The world has a wide range of potential renewable energy sources. Linking these resources at a global scale would make us more resistant to shock events, helping to slow climate change. 

Act Local 

We need to localise our energy production. 

North Craven residents paid around £10 million for energy in 2022 and prices continue to rise. Our money goes to large corporations and their shareholders, often in other countries. If we reinvested this money in our area, we could fund low cost, renewable energy for everyone.

Get involved

ACE Energy Group have produced a Local Area Energy Plan which reflects the views of local people, uses well-established renewable technologies, and is sensitive to the beautiful Dales landscape. The Plan shows how we could generate much of our energy requirements locally from renewable resources. This would give us more control over energy costs, and help protect our community from global shocks that increase the price of energy.

We now want to bring together householders, businesses, clubs and societies who might be interested in the savings and investment opportunities from a Local Energy Club. We already have a number of community organisations interested in being generators for the Club, some of whom already have solar panels.

Local Energy Clubs bring together people who are generating energy (community organisations, businesses and individuals with solar panels) and people who would like to buy their energy more cheaply. Electricity prices are agreed each year, and are lower than the big suppliers charge. We are receiving training and support for setting up our Local Energy Club from Energy Local CIC.

  • Our Local Energy Club will be a separate organisation to ACE and needs volunteer directors. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact ACE.
  • Learn how we can get to zero carbon by reading the Settle Roadmap, and York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s Routemap to a zero carbon future.
  • Interested in solar energy and installing an air source heat pump? Paul Kelly of ACE Energy Group shares his experience of installing and using solar panels. For information on air source heat pumps and their installation check out HeatGeek
  • Use our solar survey to see if solar panels would be suitable for your property – the survey gives an estimate of potential output for all properties, domestic and commercial, across Settle, Giggleswick and Langcliffe. Read more about the methodology and how to interpret the results from the survey report here.
  • Find out where your house needs more insulation using our Thermal Imaging Camera. To borrow the camera and learn how to use it, contact
  • If you’d like to see lower-cost sustainable energy become a reality for households in Settle, join ACE and get involved in the Energy Group.
  • Lower your heating bills and make your home dry and warm with these really useful guides from Cumbria Action For Sustainability.