On 28 February the government launched a review of the existing permitted development rights for solar equipment and a new permitted development right for solar canopies as part of a wider review, https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/permitted-development-rights-supporting-temporary-recreational-campsites-renewable-energy-and-film-making-consultation/permitted-development-rights-supporting-temporary-recreational-campsites-renewable-energy-and-film-making-consultation
If approved changes would see solar panels installed on flat roofs where the highest part of the equipment would be no higher than 0.6 metres above the highest part of the roof. Solar on a wall which fronts a highway would be permitted in conservation areas. Here the government seeks to provide further flexibility on where stand-alone solar could be installed within the curtilage of a home or block of flats in conservation areas.
The Yorkshire Post (News/Farming section 4 March) reports that the government is also asking for feedback about existing limitations relating to the installation of solar in conservation areas, including Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and National Parks and whether they should be removed.
The consultation runs to 25 April 2023 and is organised by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.