
Find out more about how to tackle the climate crisis locally at an ACE event. Our monthly Green Cafes often include talks, presentations, or film screenings. We have really good speakers and there are plenty of opportunities to ask questions and find out more. Everyone is welcome, and all events are free. You can use the calendar to view upcoming events.

Great Big Green Week

Clitheroe Library Church St, Clitheroe

We will be marking the start of 'Great Big Green Week' by taking the first direct rail service from Ribblehead to Manchester Victoria to rendezvous with the Ribble Valley Climate Action Network in Clitheroe. At our first joint meeting with RVCAN (2-4pm at Clitheroe library) we will be sharing the successes and on-going challenges of ...

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World Refill Day

World Refill Day is a global day of action with an inspiring vision of a refill and reuse revolution. The campaign is designed to accelerate the transition away from single-use plastic and towards refill and reuse. Here at ACE , led by our food group, we are taking lots of action to reduce plastic pollution, the use of single use ...

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Litter Picks in June

In conjunction with the local beavers, cubs, scouts and explorers we will be running a series of litter picks to help combat plastic pollution and to make Settle Plastic Free. Come along to one or more of the following dates - meeting at the Drill Hall, Castleberg Lane to collect litter pickers and bags. Please ...

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July’s Green Cafe with Tom Heap

St John’s Methodist Church Church Street, Settle, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

In collaboration with Limestone Books we are delighted that this month's Green Cafe will feature TOM HEAP, presenter on BBC TV's Countryfile, Radio 4's new Rare Earth series and the anchor of The Climate Show on Sky News. Tom will be talking about his new book ‘Land Smart’* - his tour of the British countryside ...

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Fairtrade Coffee morning

Settle Quaker Meeting House 21 Kirkgate, Settle, United Kingdom

We look forward to seeing you at our fairtrade coffee morning. Join us for fairtrade tea, coffee and fairtrade biscuits: cookies, flapjacks and brownies, well worth a try! There will be a fair trade stall at which to buy a range of fairtrade products - edible and inedible! Fairtrade is now thirty years old and Settle ...

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Methodist’s Fairtrade Coffee Morning

St John’s Methodist Church Church Street, Settle, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

We are supporting the Methodist Church's fairtrade coffee morning. Come along for fairtrade tea, coffee and fairtrade biscuits: cookies, flapjacks and brownies. There will be a fair trade stall at which to buy a range of fairtrade products - edible and inedible! Fairtrade is now thirty years old and Settle became a fair trade community, ...

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September’s Green Cafe: Post Elections – What Next for Climate Action?

St John’s Methodist Church Church Street, Settle, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

This month's Green Cafe will include our AGM - hear about our work over the last year and how to get more involved with our local climate actions We will also be hearing from David Tonge, Chair of North Yorkshire Climate Coalition, on 'Post Elections - What Next for Climate Action?' With a new government, ...

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Let’s Talk Farming

St John’s Methodist Church Church Street, Settle, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Come along to this year's Methodist 'Let's Talk' event, focusing on farming. This will include a programme of five talks of interest to farmers, locals and visitors: Introduction from local farmer John Dawson with 'Our Farming Story' National Farmers Union's Stephen Dew on 'Challenges Ahead' Settle District Young Farmers on 'Our Future Farmers' A view ...

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October’s Green Cafe: Home Energy Help

St John’s Methodist Church Church Street, Settle, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

This month we are joined by Alison Tribe of Climate Action Silsden to answer some of your home energy questions: Could you spend less on energy? What to do about losing the Winter Fuel Payment Get help to understand your energy bills and the price cap Use your smart meter to reduce your bills Understand ...

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November’s Green Cafe with Jane Smart

St John’s Methodist Church Church Street, Settle, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

With the United Nations climate talks (COP29) starting on Monday 11th November and the biodiversity COP (16) having just happened, our featured speaker Dr Jane Smart OBE, will be speaking about these conferences in: 'The Nature Emergency: the imperative for Global to Local Action'. Jane is currently the Chair of Malhamdale Environmental Group, co-founded Plantlife ...

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Buy Nothing Day

As an antidote to the super discounts available each year on 'Black Friday', encouraging us to buy more - this is a day to end the culture of impulse buys that goes along with it. Instead, we want to waste less, make the most of the stuff we already own, and cut our carbon footprint ...

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World Soil Day

As the United Nations says 'our planet’s survival depends on the precious link between soil and water. Over 95 percent of our food originates from these two fundamental resources. Soil water, vital for nutrient absorption by plants, binds our ecosystems together. This symbiotic relationship is the foundation of our agricultural systems. However, in the face ...

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