Settle Clothing Swap

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Settle Clothing Swap

April 10 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Clothes swap young people

Do you have good quality clothing and accessories for young and older adults that you no longer wear?  Are you looking for something to replace them?  Then the Settle Clothing Swap is the perfect event for you.

Swap your items for tokens and then exchange your tokens for alternative items from the display.  There’ll be changing facilities so you can try items before you swap.  You’ll also be able to get advice on clothing repairs and alterations.

The event is free and will provide you with an opportunity to give some good quality, pre-loved items of clothing a new home.  And, in a coup for the group, Patrick Grant has agreed to open the event and will be there to chat with swappers.

Patrick Grant is an award-winning designer and judge on the BBC’s Sewing Bee.  He is also the force behind Community Clothing, the clothing brand that makes fantastic clothes while creating and sustaining lots of skilled textile jobs in the UK, many of them here in the North of England.  And who knows, he may even bring some clothes to swap!

You’ll be able to buy refreshments and there’ll be room to sit and chat so why not bring along some friends and make it a social occasion?

Adie from the clothing repairers in Commercial Courtyard, Settle will be there with his sewing machine to do minor repairs and to provide advice on more significant repairs and alterations, all of which can extend the life of your favourite pair of trousers, blouse or coat.

How does it work?

Bring along 3 or 4 items of good quality clothing or accessories (shoes, scarves, bags) you no longer need or have space for in your wardrobe.

Clothing and other items for swapping must be clean and without significant damage (Adie may be able to do minor repairs).

On arrival, you’ll be given a token for each item of clothing you want to swap.

Hang your clothing on the rails according to size and garment type.

Browse the rails for items to swap with yours.

Try items to make sure they fit your size and style.

As you leave, hand in a token for each item of clothing you’re taking away.

If you only have three tokens but there are four items you want, you can take away the fourth for a small donation.

We look forward to seeing you at the Settle Clothing Swap.

Happy Swapping!


April 10
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Settle Victoria Hall
Settle, BD24 9DZ
+ Google Map