
Think Global

Transport for people and goods uses the most of fossil fuel of any industry. But evidence shows that joined up transport can cut carbon emissions.

In 2022, Germany experimented with a 9 euro ticket allowing unlimited public transport travel for one month. The scheme sold 52 million tickets and saved an estimated 1.8 million tons of CO2. Research showed that people used the tickets for travel to work and for essential activities as well as holidays and days out. One third of tickets were sold to people who don’t normally use public transport, showing that joined up pricing can encourage people to leave their cars at home.

Act Local

Sustainable transport would benefit locals, visitors and the environment. The majority of journeys taken in North Craven are by car, increasing carbon emissions and other pollution. We all know that driving is bad for the environment but there are currently no good public transport alternatives.

The £2 bus fare cap currently in place in England until December 2024 is welcome, but it is unlikely to have the same carbon-saving impact as Germany’s scheme because the bus network is fractured. Our local services continue to be cut back and connections with the Settle -Carlisle railway lost. Read about current ‘Bus Connections from the Settle-Carlisle Line’.

Get Involved

ACE Transport Group promote better public transport networks for all, and access to charging points for electric vehicle owners who lack off-street parking. We contributed to the North Yorkshire Rural Transport Strategy, Safe Cycling Craven, and a bid for more community transport to the Northern Customer and Community Improvement Fund.

A linked-up low carbon public and private transport system that connects us with local shops would keep more money in the local economy and would support the ’15 minute cities/neighbourhood’ concept.

  • If you’d like to see more sustainable transport in North Craven, join ACE and get involved in the ACE Transport Group.
  • With vision and planning, in ten years’ time we could have a local transport system that connects our villages to market towns and the regional bus and rail networks.
  • You can cut fuel costs and lower your carbon use by supporting local shops and businesses.
  • Use public transport where possible – plan any journey in the UK by using Traveline for live departures and timetables
  • If you make regular journeys by car, consider using
  • Active travel through walking and cycling benefits your health and the health of everything around you.